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What is the cost of workplace technology transformation on our wellbeing?

The rapid pace of workplace technology transformation in today’s organisations is often driven by a sense of urgency to bridge the technology gap and avoid being left behind in an increasingly digital world. However, be it enthusiasm or push for progress, it’s crucial to pause and consider the toll transformation takes on our mental health and well-being.

As professionals entrenched in this dynamic environment, we must acknowledge the strain on our cognitive processes and emotional resilience brought about by the relentless cycle of adaptation. Change management in technology programs goes beyond merely assessing stakeholder impacts; it involves understanding the more profound implications of change on individuals and groups.

Experienced change management practitioners utilise various tools and assessments to gain comprehensive insights, enabling them to provide tailored guidance for each affected group, regardless of perceived impact. Breaking down the effects of change into components allows for a clearer understanding of current and future states, uncovering people-related risks and interdependencies.

We must cultivate an environment of inclusivity and understanding, where employees feel empowered to seek assistance and ask questions without the fear of judgment. Recognising that assumptions can be detrimental is crucial, and all factors must be carefully considered. By addressing the concerns of impacted stakeholders, including those who may be less tech-savvy, and providing them with the necessary support and resources, organisations can alleviate potential anxieties and ensure a smoother transition for everyone involved, contributing to a psychologically safe workplace.

By working closely with stakeholders to initiate proactive mitigation strategies, we can reduce the likelihood of these risks impacting organisational and individual well-being. Careful planning centred on considering the needs of individuals and groups is paramount for the success of any change initiative.

Investing upfront in this planning process and continuously reassessing throughout the initiative’s lifecycle yields invaluable returns, including enhanced employee appreciation, improved business operations, and sustained client satisfaction. Through strategic planning and empathetic support, we can navigate the turbulence of technological change while fostering a healthier and more resilient organisational culture.

As we navigate the complexities of workplace technology transformation, let’s prioritise the well-being of our teams. Let’s commit to fostering a culture of empathy, support, and inclusivity together. Reach out to discuss how you can take proactive steps to understand and address the impact of technological change on individuals and groups within your organisation. Together we can encourage open dialogue, provide resources for support, and empower everyone to confidently navigate this journey. By investing in people and their well-being, we ensure a smoother transition and lay the foundation for a resilient and thriving workplace. Let’s embrace this opportunity for growth and create a future where everyone can flourish.

Poor organisational change management is high on the list of psychosocial hazards now recognised in law in Australia.

Learn more at Safe Work Australia, Safe Work NSW, Work Safe QLD or Work Safe VIC.


Blue Seed – making workplaces work better. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your people to navigate change.